Part L Building Regulations
Building Regulations Part L is ‘The Conservation of Fuel and Power in Buildings’. It applies to construction projects that are new, extended, renovated, refurbished or a change of use.
Part L of the Building Regulations dictates strict targets to reduce energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions.
In order to comply with Part L of the Building Regulations it’s mandatory to undertake a simplified building energy model (SBEM) and standard assessment procedure (SAP) calculation for new nondwellings
and dwellings respectively.
Armstrong Rhead Limited is fully accredited to undertake these assessments as part of our design service.
We are a registered Low Carbon Energy Assessor (LCEA) practice that is accredited to lodge energy performance certificates (EPC) with the land registry.
EPCs must be issued for all new-build dwellings and non-domestic buildings on construction, sale or letting.
These are the responsibility of the owner and based on predicted carbon dioxide emissions from fixed building services assigned within the software.